

HE Haibo


HE Haibo


Constitutional and Administrative Law

Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School East Asian Legal Studies (2016-2017)

Visiting Scholar at Yale Law School China Law Center (2007-2008)

Master of Jurisprudence (University of Durham, UK, 2004)

Ph.D. in Law (Peking University, 2001)

Master of Law (Peking University, 1998)

2005-present, Tsinghua University School of Law

2001-2005, China National School of Administration Department of Law

1998-2001, Journal of Social Science in China (Part-time Editor)

1992-1996, Bureau of Justice of Tiantai County, Zhejiang Province


Administrative Litigation Law, Law Press, 2011; 2nd ed., 2016

Substantial Rule of Law: Legitimacy for Judicial Ruling over Administrative Action, Law Press, 2009

The Legitimate Foundation of Judicial Review: A British Topic,ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law Press, 2007

Footsteps Toward Rule of Law: A Chronicle of Administrative Law inChina, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2005

Articles (in English):

“The Dawn of the Due Process Principle in China,” 22 Columbia Journal of Asian Law 57 (2008)

“Litigations without a Ruling: The Predicaments of Administrative Law in China,” 3 Tsinghua China Law Review 257 (2011)

“Why should Custody and Education be Abolished?” 4 Peking University Law Journal 1 (2016)

“How Much Progress Can Legislation Bring? The 2014 Amendment of the Administrative Litigation Law of PRC,” 13 University of Pennsylvania Asian Law Review 1 (2018)

“From Local to Upper Capture: The Chinese Experiment of Administrative Courts,” 22 China Review 3 (2022) (with MA Chao & CHENG Chao-Yo)

Articles (in Chinese):

1. On Legal Scholarship

“The Foreign Sources of Administrative Law Scholarship in China,” Journal of Comparative Law, 2007-6

“The Changing Research Paradigm of Administrative Law in China,” in Jiang Ming’an (chief ed.), Administrative Law Forum, vol.11 (2008)

“English Translation of Some Key Words in Chinese Administrative Law,” Administrative Law Review, 2011-3

2. On Judicial Review in China

“Developing the Law through Judicial Rulings: The Application of Legal Principles in Tian Yong’s Case,” in Luo Haocai (chief ed.), Administrative Law Forum, vol.3 (2000)

“Withdrawals in Administrative Litigation,” Peking University Law Journal, 2001-2“The Scope of Accepted Cases in Administrative Litigation: A Small History of Judicial Practice in China,” Peking University Law Review, vol.4-2 (2001)

“The Legitimacy of Judicial Application of Due Process Principle: A Moot Court Debate,” Tribune of Political Science and Law, 2009-5

“The Due Process Principle in China’s Court,” Chinese Journal of Law, 2009-1“Grounds of Judicial Review over Administrative Action: A Reconstruction,” China Legal Science, 2009-4

“What is ‘Obviously Improper’ Administrative Action?” Chinese Journal of Law, 2016-3

3. On Foreign Public Law

“Is Ultra Vires the Basis of Administrative Law: A Continuing Debate in England,” Peking University Law Journal, 2005-5

“Constitutional Review without a Constitution: The British Stories,” Social Science in China, 2005-2

“The Hearing Procedures in British Administrative Law,” China Legal Science, 2006-4

“A Majoritarian Court: Judicial Review of U.S. Supreme Court and Democracy,” Tsinghua Law Journal, 2009-6

4. On Village Governance

“Punishment according to the Village Regulations: A Case Study on Mingtang Village's Practices over 25 Years,” in Shen Kui (ed.), Who besides the Government Exercising Powers: Cases of Quasi-Government, Tsinghua University Press, 2003

“Governing the Villages through Villagers’ Self-Government,” in Shen Kui (ed.), Who besides the Government Exercising Powers: Cases of Quasi-Government, Tsinghua University Press, 2003

5. On Other Issues

“A Critique to Formal Rule of Law,” in Luo Haocai (chief ed.), Administrative Law Forum, vol.6 (2003)

“Interpretation of Specific Administrative Action,” Administrative Law Review, 2007-4

“The Binding Force of Administration Action in Civil Procedure,” China Legal Science, 2008-2

“Defiance of Unlawful Administrative Actions,” China Legal Science, 2011-6

6. Translation:

Treasure Solicitor, “The Judge over Your Shoulder: A Guide to Judicial Review for UK Government” (3rd, 2000, co-translated with Ye Doudou), in Supreme People’s Court Administrative Division (ed.), Administrative Regulation and Judicial Review, vol.12 (2005)

Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence of the U.S.A., Universal Declaration of Human Rights


E-mail: [email protected]

Post: School of Law, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084,China

Family Blog: //blog.sina.com.cn/leafbuds