Legal Practice (since 1996):
1. 2006—: Legal Consultant;
2. 2002-2004: Legal Officer, the Appeals Chamber of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (The Hague) (ICTY);
3. 2000-2002: Legal Officer, Trial Chamber III of the ICTY;
4. 1998-2000: Associate legal officer in the Appeals Chambers of the ICTY and of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR);
5. 1996-1998: Law Clerk in the Appeals Chambers of the ICTY and ICTR.
6. 2009—: Consultancy in cases of public international law
Editorial Positions with Journals (since 2002)
1. 2020-2024: Member of the Editorial Board, American Journal of International Law (SSCI);
2. 2012—: Member of the Editorial Board, Ocean Development and International Law, Taylor & Francis (SSCI);
3. 2008—: Member of the Advisory Board, International Law Review of Wuhan University (Chinese), Wuhan University Press;
4. 2005—: Member of the Editorial Board, Chinese Yearbook of International Law (Chinese), the Chinese Society of International Law and The Knowledge of the World Press, Beijing;
5. 2005-: Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press (SSCI);
6. 2002—: Member of the Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of International Law, Chinese Society of International Law and the World Academy Press (SSCI); Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, 2005-;
7. 2003—: Member of the Editorial Committee of the International Criminal Law Review, Brill Academic Publishers.
(2011-2014: sometime Member of the Peer Review Board, German Yearbook of International Law; 2011-2015: Member of the Editorial Board, International Review of the Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross and Cambridge University Press (SSCI))
Distinctions and Memberships with Academic Societies (since 1998)
1. 2024-2026: Member of the Expert Group, Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA)
2. 2023-2028: Vice President, Chinese Society of International Law (Member of the Society since 1998; Member of the Council, 2008-2012; Member of the Executive Council, 2013-;)
3. 2023: Member of the Expert Committee of the China International Commercial Court, Supreme People’s Court;
4. November 2021: Appointed BOK Visiting International Professor at University of Pennsylvania, Carey School of Law;
5. August 2021: Elected Associate Member, l’Institut de Droit International
6. June 2021: Invitation by the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law to deliver a General Course in Public International Law during the 2026 Winter Programme of the Academy;
7. June 2020: Member of the Editorial Board, The American Journal of International Law
8. Spring 2019: Global Professor of Law, New York University School of Law;
9. 2016: Special Course in Public International Law, delivered at the Hague Academy of International Law;
10. 2016-: Member, Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law (re-elected 2023)
11. 2015: “Space Technology” – Chinese Society of International Law Outstanding Research Award 2014, Chinese Society of International Law;
12. 2015-2017: Senior Research Fellow, Collaborative Innovation Centre of Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights; Adjunct Professor, China Institute on Boundary and Oceans Studies, Wuhan University;
13. 2014: Deputy Secretary-General, Chinese Society of the Law of the Sea;
14. 2011: Invited by the UN Office of Legal Affairs, Codification Division to lecture for the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law;
15. 2010: “Space Technology”--Chinese Society of International Law Outstanding Research Award 2004-2009, Chinese Society of International Law;
16. 2010: The Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Humboldt Foundation, Germany;
17. 2009: Member (Headquarters) of the International Law Association;
18. 2008: Lecturer at the XiaMen Academy of International Law, China;
19. 2006-2016: Vice President, the Foundation for the Development of International Law in Asia (DILA), elected 15 September 2006; re-elected June 2012 for the term of 2012-2016;
Select Publications (in English, unless otherwise indicated; not including 21 research reports, 20 book reviews, and 7 notes or comments)
1. Public International Law: Its Interpretation and Application in Time of Peace (Chinese), 2nd edn., Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, September 2022, pp. 587;
2. Public International Law: Its Interpretation and Application in Armed Conflicts (Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2020, pp. 283;
3. A Study of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of UNCLOS: Annex VII Arbitration (Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2018, pp. 194;
4. Public International Law: Its Interpretation and Application in Time of Peace (Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, September 2015, pp. 497;
5. The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective (Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia, eds.), Hart, 2014, pp. 275;
6. Public International Law: Theory and Practice (Chinese), Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, spring 2009, pp. 352;
7. The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice (joint editor and contributor), Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 1179;
8. An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, 2008, pp. 341;
9. Essays on ICTY Procedure and Evidence in Honour of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald (joint editor and contributor), Kluwer Law International, 2001, pp. 615;
10. The Regime of Straits in International Law, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 311;
Articles and book chapters:
1. “Public Interest in International Institutional Law”,Recueil des cours (“Centennial Colloquium”), The Hague Academy of International Law, Brill, 2024 (forthcoming);
2. “Third World in the Current International Order”, in: Zhang YJ, Che PZ and BBJia (eds.), International Dispute Settlement (Chinese), vol. iii, China CommercePublisher, 2024, pp. 15-20;
3. “Territorial Disputes”, in:L. Fabri (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, Oxford University Press, 2023 (//;
4. “Reflections on Chinese Scholarship and Perspectives Regarding International Law”, 116 American Journal of International Law (2022) (SSCI), pp. 653-663;
5. “A matter of personal choice”, 22 Chicago Journal of International Law (2021), pp.128-135;
6. “The Question of Jurisdiction in the 2019 Arbitration between Ukraine and Russia”, 19 Chinese Journal of International Law (2020) (SSCI), pp.683–715;
7. “Historic Rights in International Law: Current State of the Law and Two Issues”, Chinese Yearbook of International Law (2019) (Chinese), pp. 30-63;
8. “The Fundamental Principles of International Humanitarian Law”, in: J. Viñuales (ed.), The UN Friendly Relations Declaration at 50, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 258-283;
9. “Reflections on the ICC’s Relationship with the United Nations and Regional Courts”, in: R. Steinberg (ed.), The International Criminal Court: Contemporary Challenges and Reform Proposals, Brill, 2020, pp. 358-366 (an earlier version appearing in ICC Forum--Jun. 28, 2018), available at //, University of California at Los Angeles and the International Criminal Court, The Hague);
10. “Unsaid Rules of UNCLOS: Essential Elements for its Proper Interpretation?” in: WH Shen, S. Zhang and JY SU (eds.), China and Dispute Settlement in the Context of ‘Belt and Road Initiative’, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 251-279 (an earlier version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 2017 Colloquium on International Law: Common Future in Asia, Asian Academy of International Law and Wolters Kluwer, 2018, pp. 231-262);
11. “International Case Law in the Development of International Law”, Recueil des cours de l’Académie de Droit International, vol. 382 (2015), pp. 175-397;
12. “Part III, International Straits”, in: A. Proelss (ed.), United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: A Commentary, Beck/Nomos/Hart, 2017, pp. 272-333;
13. “Legacy of the ICTY and ICTR in China”, 110 American Journal of International Law, Unbound (2016), pp. 240-245;
14. “The Curious Case of Article 281: A ‘Super’ Provision in UNCLOS?” 46 Ocean Development and International Law (2015) (SCCI), pp. 266-280;
15. “Limits in the Seas and a Preliminary Study of Historic Rights in the South China Sea” (Chinese), Law Review (2015, No. 6; Wuhan University Law School, CSSCI), forthcoming;
16. “The Principle of the Domination of the Land over the Sea: A Historical Perspective on the Adaptability of the Law of the Sea to New Challenges”, 57 German Yearbook of International Law (2014), pp. 63-93;
17. “The Crime of Aggression as Custom and the Mechanisms for Determining Acts of Aggression”, 109 American Journal of International Law (July 2015) (SSCI), pp. 569-582;
18. “The Two Approaches to the Superior Orders Plea”, in: K. Sellars (ed.), Trials for International Crimes in Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2015), chapter 10, pp. 248-274;
19. “The Terra Nullius Requirement in the Doctrine of Effective Occupation: A Case Study”, in: L. del Castillo (ed.), Law of the Sea, From Grotius to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea: Liber Amicorum Judge Hugo Caminos (Brill Nijhoff, 2015), chapter 37, pp. 657-673;
20. “The Regime of International Straits: Current State of the Law”, UN Audio-Visual Library of International Law, 2015: //;
21. “A Preliminary Study of the Title to Huangyan Island (Scarborough Reef)”, 45 Ocean Development and International Law (2014) (SSCI), pp. 360-373;
22. “Chapter 1: General Introductory to International Economic Law”, in: Hu Jiaxiang (ed.), International Economic Law (Chinese), 2nd edn., Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2014, pp. 1-27;
23. “Four Legal Issues in relation to the South China Sea Arbitration”, M. Hiebert, P. Mguyen, and G. Poling (eds.), Perspectives on the South China Sea: Diplomatic, Legal, and Security Dimensions of the Dispute (CSIS, Rowman & Littlefield, New York, 2014), pp. 70-81;
24. “The Issue of Admissibility in Inter-State Arbitration”, in: Stefan Talmon and Bing Bing Jia (eds.), The South China Sea Arbitration: A Chinese Perspective (Hart, 2014), pp. 107-135;
25. “Remarks: China and International Law”, 107 Proceedings of the American Society of International Proceedings (2013), 346-348;
26. “A Preliminary Examination of the Issue of Non-liquet in International Law”,Chinese Yearbook of International Law (2013; CSSCI) (Chinese), pp. 73-92;
27. “The Northwest Passage: An Artificial Waterway subject to a Bilateral Treaty Regime?” 44 Ocean Development and International Law (2013; Issue 2) (SSCI), pp. 123-144;
28. “The Notion of Natural Prolongation in the Current Regime of the Continental Shelf: An Afterlife?” 12 Chinese Journal of International Law (2013) (SSCI), pp. 79-103;
29. “The Nine-Dash Line in the South China Sea: History, Status and Implications” (co-authored with Judge Zhiguo Gao), 107 American Journal of International Law (2013) (SSCI), 98-124;
30. “The Issue of Non Liquet in Recent Advisory Proceedings before the ICJ”, in: Seokwoo Lee & Hee Eun Lee (eds.), Northeast Asian Perspectives on International Law (Martinus Nijhoff, 2013), pp. 77-91;
31. “The Plea of Superior Orders in the Hong Kong Trials”, in: Suzannah Linton (ed.), Hong Kong’s War Crimes Trials (Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 169-198;
32. “The Immunity of State Officials for International Crimes Revisited”, 10 Journal of International Criminal Justice (2012) (SSCI), 1302-1321;
33. “Effect of Legal Issues, Actual or Implicit, upon the Work of the CLCS: Suspensive or without Prejudice?” 11 Chinese Journal of International Law (2012) (SSCI), pp. 107-126;
34. “The Legacy of the Tokyo Trial in China”, in: Yuki Tanaka, Tim McCormack, Gerry Simpson (eds.), Beyond Victor’s Justice? The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisited (Martinus Nijhoff, 2011), pp. 207-225;
35. “The Synthesis of the Concepts of Sovereignty and the Rule of Law: Reflection on the Contemporary Chinese Approach to International Law”, 53 German Yearbook of International Law (2010), pp. 11-61;
36. “The Relations between Treaties and Custom”, 9 Chinese Journal of International Law (2010) (SSCI), pp. 81-109;
37. “In Memory of Sir Ian Brownlie”, 9 Chinese Journal of International Law (2010) (SSCI), pp. 267-269;
38. “The Independence of Kosovo: A Unique Case of Secession?” 8 Chinese Journal of International Law (2009) (SSCI), pp. 27-46;
39. “The Right of Appeal in the Proceedings before the ICTY and ICTR”, in: G. Venturini and S. Bariatti (eds.), Individual Rights and International Justice, Giuffrè Editore, Milan, 2009, pp. 413-425 (cited by Judge Pocar of the ICTY in his Partially Dissenting Opinion in the May 2009 Appeal Judgement in the case against Mrksic and Sljivancanin);
40. “Multiculturalism and the Development of International Criminal Law”, in S. H. Yee and J-Y. Morin (eds.), Multiculturalism and International Law (Essays in Honour of Edward McWhinney), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2009, pp. 629-648;
41. “The International Criminal Court and Third States”, in: A. Cassese et al. (eds.), The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice, Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 160-167;
42. “The State of the Law of Diplomatic Protection and Some Practical Problems”, Chinese Yearbook of International Law (2008) (Chinese), pp. 3-32;
43. “Chapter 1: General Introductory to International Economic Law”, in: Hu Jiaxiang (ed.), International Economic Law (Chinese), Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2008, pp. 1-34;
44. “The Definition of Terrorism in International Law”, in: ZHAO Bingzhi (ed.), Collection of Essays on Chinese Anti-Terrorism Legislation (Chinese), the University of Public Security Press, Beijing, 2007, pp. 222-230;
45. “China and the International Criminal Court: Current Situation”, 10 Singapore Yearbook of International Law (2006), pp. 87-97;
46. Part 3, “General Principles of Criminal Law”, in Roy Lee, Liu Daqun and Ling Yan (eds.), A Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Chinese) (Beijing University Press, 2006), pp. 251-295;
47. Part 8, “Appeal and Revision”, in: Roy Lee, Liu Daqun and Ling Yan (eds.), A Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Chinese) (Peking University Press, 2006), pp. 643-661;
48. “The Doctrine of Command Responsibility Revisited”, 3 Chinese Journal of International Law (2004), pp. 1-42;
49. “Judge Wang Tieya: The Yugoslav Tribunal Experience”, 4 Journal of the History of International Law (2002), pp. 214-220;
50. “‘Protected Property’ and Its Protection in International Humanitarian Law”, 15 Leiden Journal of International Law (2002), pp. 131-153;
51. “Is Defective Composition a Matter of Lack of Jurisdiction within the Meaning of Rule 72?” (co-authored with Judge Wang Tieya), in: Essays on ICTY Procedure and Evidence in Honour of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald (ed. by Richard May et al., Kluwer Law International, 2001), pp. 45-53;
52. “Judicial decisions as a source of international law and the defence of duress in murder or other cases arising from armed conflict”, in International Law in the Post-Cold War World. Essays in Memory of Li Haopei (Routledge Studies in International Law) (eds. by Wang Tieya and Sienho Yee, Routledge, 2001), pp. 77-95;
53. “The Doctrine of Command Responsibility: Current Problems”, 3 Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2000), pp. 131-165;
54. “The Differing Concepts of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in International Criminal Law”, in The Reality of International Law. Essays in Honour of Ian Brownlie (eds. by Guy Goodwin-Gill and Stefan Talmon, Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 243-271;
55. “Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Theory of Command Responsibility--With Emphasis upon Liability for Failure to Punish”, 45 Netherlands International Law Review (1998), pp. 325-347;
56. “A Preliminary Study of the Doctrine of Command Responsibility”, Chinese Yearbook of International Law (1997) (Chinese), pp. 186-206;
57. “A Preliminary Study of the Problem of the Isle of Kolbeinsey”, 66 Nordic Journal of International Law (1997), pp. 301-18;