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发布时间: 2016-05-18    浏览量:

Meet the Herbert Smith Freehills team and find out about who we are and the work we do.We'll talk you through what went on behind one of our headline deals and give you a taste of what life would be like as a trainee at an international law firm working with some of the world's biggest and most ambitious organisations. You'll have the chance to network with a partner, associates and trainees and to find out about our scholarship scheme, training contracts and international opportunities.

Speaker: May Tai, Graduate Recruitment Partner

Representative: Tomas Furlong, Senior Associate

Time: 27 May 2016, 3PM – 4PM

Venue: Multimedia room, 1st floor of Mingli Building (明理楼一楼报告厅),

           Tsinghua Law School

Application forms will be available after the presentation.

2017 PRC Scholarship Presentation Poster_Beijing_Tsinghua Uni.pdf