

ZHENG Shangyuan


ZHENG Shangyuan


Education Background

Bachelor of Economics, Shanxi University (1988);

LLM, Southwest University of Political, Science & Law (1993);

LLD, Peking University (2002);

Professional Background

College of Law, Tsinghua University (May 2009 till now)

Civil and Commercial & Economic Law College, China University of Political Science & Law (March 2002 to April 2009)

Institute of Labor Science, Ministry of Labor and Social Security (August 1998 to February 2002)

Department of Policy and Legal Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Security (March 1993 to July 1998)

Agriculture and Industry Department of Datong, Shanxi (January 1990 to August 1990)

Industry & Commerce Bank of China, Datong Shanxi Branch (August 1988 to December 1989)

Vice President, Social Law Institute, Chinese Law Community

Member of Personnel Dispute Arbitration Commission of Central Government

Standing director, Beijing Labor and Social Security Law Institute

Research Direction

Labor law, Social security law

Managed more than 10 research projects held by National Social Science Fund

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, All China Federation of Trade

Unions, State Administration of Foreign

Experts Affairs and Chinese Law Community.

Studies on Work-Related Injury Insurance Legal System, win the Second prize of China Labor Law Institute

Autumn Forum arranged by Civil and Commercial & Economic Law College, China University of Political Science & Law

Orientation and Future of Social Law, win the First prize in 2003, The Legal Boundary on the Regulation of Employment Relation, win the Third Prize in 2004

Labor Secondment Legislation, The Social Merit and Negative Affection, win the Second Prize in 2005

Remedies to Rural Peasant Who Lost Farmland, win the Second Prize in 2006

Professional Writing

Modernization of the Labor Dispute Settlement Procedures, Fangzheng Press, 2004

Studies on Work-Related Injury Insurance Legal System, Peking University Press, 2004

System and Idea of Employment Contract Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2008 (Be embodied in China Youth Law Research Essay Bank, 2008)

Theoretical Study on Labor Law and Social Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2008

Schoolbook Edition

Labor Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2004 for first edition, 2007 for second edition

Labor and Social Security Law (written by 3 authors), China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2008 (Pivot Publication of 11th “Five Years Project” of Administration of News and Publication)

Research Essay on Core Periodicals

Stock Company Structure is the Model of Enterprises Reformation, Explore Magazine, Vol.3, 1992

Research of Labor Law Legislation, Law Magazine, Vol.5, 1993

The Making of Social Security Law, Chinese Law, Vol.4, 1994

Management of Rural Labor Inter-area Flow, Reformation of Economic System, Vol 6, 1995

Comparison between Chinese and German Work-Related Injury Insurance Law, Law Magazine, Vol.4, 1996

The Legislation of Bankruptcy and Protection of Employees’ Rights, Research of Economy and Management (Scholarly Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business), Vol.4, 1997

The Exploration about the Existence and the Theory of Social Law, Vol.3, 2003

The Structure of Strike Law with Chinese characteristics, Strategy and Management, Vol.3, 2003 (Reprinted in Economics Law and Labor Law Studies, photocopy materials of Renmin University, Vol. 10, 2003)

Analyses of Specialization of Labor Dispute Litigation Procedures, Law Reviews of Nanking University, Spring Volume, 2003(Reprinted in Economics Law and Labor Law Studies, photocopy materials of Renmin University, Vol. 12, 2003)

The Orientation and Future of Social Law, Chinese Law, Vol.5, 2003

Social Law is a Classification, rather than an Legal Concept, Vol.5, 2004

From Tort Law to Social Security Law -- Structural Transform of Compensation and Remedies for Injury to the Hired, Contemporary Law, Vol.3, 2004

Research about the Factory in Prison, Research of Criminal and Reform, vol.2, 2005(Reprinted in Criminal Law Study, photocopy materials of Renmin University, Vol. 2, 2005)

Regulation of Chinese Holiday and Leave, Scholarly Journal of Yunnan University, Vol. 3, 2005 (Reprinted in Economics Law and Labor Law Studies, photocopy materials of Renmin University, Vol. 4, 2005)

The Legal Boundary on the Regulation of Employment Relation, Chinese Law, Vol.3,2005

Breakthrough and Forward-Looking of the Substantive Regulations of the Administrative Law, Administrative Law Research, Vol.3, 2005

Harmony of the Labor Dispute Arbitration Procedure, Legist, Vol.5, 2005

Publicity, Regulation and Stereotype: From Regulation to Law, the Legislation of Endowment Insurance, Law Magazine, Vol.9, 2005

Compression and Analysis of Labor Dispute Judgment System: About Reform Trend of Our Country’s Labor Dispute Judgment System, Law Application,Vol.10, 2005

Labor Secondment Legislation: the Social Merit and Negative Affection, Law Reviews of Nanking University, Autumn Volume, 2005

Present Situation of Chinese Labor Secondment and Protection of Employees’ Rights, Scholarly Journal of China Administrative College, Vol.2, 2007

Rights and Obligations Prior to Conclusion of Employment Contract,Contemporary Law, Vol.3, 2007

Remedies to Rural Peasant Who Lost Farmland, Law Research of Korean Yeungnam University, Vol.24

Positioning and Value Orientation of Personnel Dispute Arbitration System,Administrative Law, Vol.3, 2007

Law Analysis of Disputes Regarding Personal File, Law Magazine, Vol.10, 2007(Reprinted in China Social Sciences Digest, Vol. 1, 2008)

Unlawful Secondment and Relevant Regulation, Legist, Vol.2, 2008

Positive and Negative Affection of Employment Contract Law, Scholarly Journal of Shenzhen University, Vol.3 2008

Social Law and Law Socialization, Law Research of Tsinghua University, Vol.3,2008