

SHEN Zhaohui


Associate Professor of Law


Ph.D. in Law (2011), Peking University Law School, Beijing


2015-Now, Faculty of Law, Tsinghua University Law School;

2014-2015, The Michigan Grotius Research Scholar, The University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor;

2011-2015, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Tsinghua University Law School;

2008-2011, Editor of the Peking University Law Review; Editor of the Peking University Journal of Legal Studies (in English) (Vol.2 & 3)


Corporate Law; Securities Regulation; Trusts Law and Estate Planning


2014, The Judicial Review of The Governmental Debt Financing, sponsored by the National Fund of Social Science Research in China;

2012, The Empirical Study of the Regulaiton of IPO in China, sponsored by the Ministry of Education in China;

2012, The Special Financial Aid, by the Fund of Chinese Post-Doctoral Scientific Research;

2012, The General Financial Aid, by the Fund of Chinese Post-Doctoral Scientific Research;

In April of 2013, the Award of the Excellent Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of Tsinghua University;

In July of 2011, the Excellent Ph.D. Thesis of the Peking University


THE LAW OF MBO IN THE EAST ASIA (with Professor Ciyun Zhu), Taiwan: YuanZhao Publication Corporation, 2014;

On the Competitive Federalism of Securities Regulation in China, 3 The Northern Legal Studies 63 (2013);

The Class Shares and the Evolution of Chinese Corporation Law (with Professor Ciyun Zhu), 9 Social Science in China 147 (2013);

Public Debt and Democracy, 24 (6) Peking University Law Journal 1208 (2012);

The Theory of Regulatory Delegation to Market Institutions and the Evolving Administrative Governance, 23 (4) Peking University Law Journal 849 (2011);

A Popular Misconception: The Comparison of the Registration Systems withthe Approval System of IPO Regulation, 9 Securities Market Herald 14 (2011);

The Robert’s Rules of Order and the Procedure Reform of IPO Regulation in China”, 82 Financial Law Forum 60 (2011);

The Political Logic of Restructuring Financial Regulation in the U.S.A., 17 (4) China Journal of International Economic Law 233 (2010);

Local Governments and Firms Going Public, 3 Securities Law Review 632(2010);

The Direct Holding Systems and Harmonized Substantive Rules Regarding Intermediated Securities: A Chinese Perspective, 19 (1) China Journal of International Economic Law 297 (2009);

Why is There no International Law of Anti-spam: Some Reflections on the Role of international Law in Internet Governance, 3 (1) Sungkyunkwan Journal of Science & Technology Law 81 (2009) (in English);

The Determinants of the Efficiency of Appeal Trial, and other six papers about the empirical analysis of a Court in the west of China,in COURT PERFORMANCE: EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT AND INTERNAL ENDEAVOR, Beijing: The Law Press, 2009, sponsored by the USA Ford Foundation.